Thursday, September 16, 2010

kindess --> repentance

"There is someone I love, even though I don't approve of what he does. There is someone I accept, though some of his thoughts and actions revolt me. There is someone I forgive, though he hurts the people I love the most. That person is me. There are plenty of things I do that I don't like, but if I can love myself without approving of all I do, I can also love others without approving of all they do."
CS Lewis

I am so amazed that we live expecting more grace for ourselves than we are willing to give to others. The same kinds of things we hope people forgive us for are the very same things we condemn in other people. We beat, nag, and guilt other people in hopes that they will leave sin behind.

All the while, God says, "it's my kindness (patient loving grace) that leads to repentance."

May we love people towards Christ not lead them away from Him by being an unfit judge.

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