Thursday, March 11, 2010

sex at church...

So there was tension all over the place last night at Revolution. Students freakin' out. Parents wondering what in the world is goin' on. Words like intercourse and oral made me nervous. But all in all, it WAS AN AWESOME NIGHT. We started our newest series called GOOD SEX. It's all about looking at sex and sexuality through a biblical lens. God created sex, and he created it to be good. We can't ignore it or demonize it anymore. We must relay to students God's plan for their sexuality. Besides, they marinate in a culture of sex. So why not give them God's own plans and thoughts on the subject. Last night, I laid the groundwork for why we're doing the series GOOD SEX.

1. Almost everyone, everywhere is talking about sex.

2. Sex is happening more often and sooner than parents think.

3. God has a lot to say about sex.

Getting students to understand sex and sexuality through a biblical perspective is important. So in the words of Ms. Salt & Ms. Pepa...Let's talk about sex baby!

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