Thursday, February 11, 2010

top five of the last five weeks...

Last night I wrapped up a 5 week series titled, "How to Stay Christian in High School." Don't let the name fool you; this applies to all of us. Here's the top five thoughts from the series:

1. Christianity is not just about avoiding the bad influence, but becoming the God-influence.

We don't live in holy huddles and baptist bubbles to hide from the world. Instead, we allow God to transform our lives so that we may be a part of his transforming the world. Sure we need to live in holiness and purity (avoiding bad influences is needed at some point), but we don't shelter ourselves and tell the rest of the world to go to hell because we are scared, prideful, or apathetic.

2. Everyone's story is dynamic.

You don't have to have a dramatic, over the top testimony to share it. If you do have one of those stories great, but if you don't your story of how God changed you is just as valid and great. Because the main of your story is not your past actions, but the incredible work Christ did on the cross, and how you are presently following Him.

3. Remember whose you are.

At the point in time where God interrupted your life and you believed Jesus was God's Son, you placed total confidence and trust in Christ's death for your sin, and you willingly and genuinely told God you would follow Jesus Christ, three important things happened. Your life was purchased by God through Jesus' blood and you now belong to God. He didn't purchase you to be a slave but a son or daughter. And he has called you to partner with Him to share His salvation and love to all of the earth.

4. I only have one identity.

Don't fool yourself. You can't be one person at one place or with one group of friends, and another person at a different place or with different friends. One of those identities is fake. There is only one real you, and you can find out who the real is you by looking at the choices you make when you are alone. That's where integrity and identity are formed.

5. God starts, continues, and finishes the job.

Philippians 1:6 is one of the greatest promises in all of the bible. God doesn't leave jobs undone, especially our salvation. He began the work in you. He continues working in you despite how many times you fail. And he will finish the work in you in the end. This means your salvation is dependent on Him. It's freeing. No more "Am I good enough"? No more trying to earn God's love. We live in the confidence that God does it all, and our job is to live our lives worshipping Him in obeying Him, loving Him, and loving others.

It was a great series. If your a student and you need to talk about any of this. Hit me up with a text or on Facebook. Moms and dads, this is where we've been over the last few weeks. Take a minute to talk to your student about what God spoke into their lives.

For the Kingdom.

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